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Morning prayer services. See Jewish Liturgy.
Lit. Sending out portions. The custom of sending gifts of food or candy to friends during Purim.
Hebrew. Literally, peace. A way of saying "hello" or "goodbye. " See Common Expressions and Greetings.
Lit. Three feet or three times. A collective term for the three biblical pilgrimage festivals: Pesach (Passover), Shavu'ot and Sukkot. In the days of the Temple, Jews from around the world made pilgrimages to Jerusalem to make offerings in the Temple in honor of these holidays.
Hebrew. Literally, sabbath peace or peaceful sabbath. A general, all-purpose Shabbat greeting. See Common Expressions and Greetings.
Lit. The Sabbath of Consolation. The sabbath after Tisha B'Av, a fast mourning the destruction of the Temple. On this week and the six following weeks, special Haftarah readings of consolation for the loss of the Temple are read.
The sabbath on which we read Parshat Parah, one of the Four Parshiyot, special Torah readings added to the weekly cycle of readings during the month before Pesach (Passover). Parshat Parah explains the procedure for the offering of the Red Heifer (Parah Adumah), a ritual of purification.
Lit. The Sabbath of Vision. The sabbath before Tisha B'Av, a fast mourning the destruction of the Temple. A special Haftarah reading regarding Isaiah's vision of the Temple's destruction is read.
Lit. Sabbath of Blessing. The Shabbat before Rosh Chodesh (the beginning of the new month) when the prayer leader at services recites a blessing praying that the new month will be a good one.
The sabbath on which we read Parshat Ha-Chodesh, one of the Four Parshiyot, special Torah readings added to the weekly cycle of readings during the month before Pesach (Passover). Parshat Ha-Chodesh establishes the Hebrew calendar.