ホーム > Blossary: Computer-Assisted Translation (CAT)
A selection of some of the most relevant terms in the field of computer-assisted translation (CAT)

カテゴリ Languages

12 Terms

Created by: Raquel Pulido Martínez

Number of Blossarys: 1

Collected Terms

Strojno prevajanje (MT) je vrsta programske aplikacije, kjer program opravlja nalogo ustvarjanja ciljni tekst v drugem jeziku brez človeškega posredovanja. Vir: Uwe Muegge. "Beyond Google ...

Domain: Translation & localization; カテゴリー: Translation

Una base de dades terminològica es defineix com "un conjunt de dades organitzades segons un marc conceptual. Una base de dades pot tenir tants nivells profunds com especialització en funció de les ...

Domain: Translation & localization; カテゴリー: Translation

La memoria de traducción es entendida como “la herramienta que integra la gestión de la traducción y la terminología. Son bases de datos que almacenan en un mismo espacio textos traducidos con su ...

Domain: Translation & localization; カテゴリー: Translation

A standard is a a normative document, developed according to consensus procedures. Source: Uwe Muegge. "What you always wanted to know about translation standards" CSOFT Global Operations Summit. ...

Domain: Translation & localization; カテゴリー: Translation

Machine Translation (MT) is a type of software application where the program performs the task of creating a target text in another language without human intervention. Source: Uwe Muegge. "Beyond ...

Domain: Translation & localization; カテゴリー: Translation

Statistical machine translation is a type of machine translation that uses statistical models, which are based on the analysis of large bilingual corpora, to generate sentences in the target ...

Domain: Translation & localization; カテゴリー: Translation

Rule-based machine translation is a type of machine translation that uses syntactical rules for analyzing sentences in the source language and for generating sentences in the target ...

Domain: Translation & localization; カテゴリー: Translation

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