ホーム > Blossary: Basics of Photoshop
Photoshop is probably the most important software tool for professional photographers. At least half as important as the camera itself, Photoshop has revolutionized the world of photography.


9 Terms

Created by: anton.chausovskyy

Number of Blossarys: 25

Collected Terms

Les canals del mesclador és útil per remesclar colors original en un arxiu d'imatge. També s'utilitza per fer les conversions cridaners de RGB a monocrom sense aconseguir el contrast baix ...

Domain: Photography; カテゴリー: Professional photography

Un termine dei vecchi tempi di camera oscura, il "tool di masterizzazione" scurisce giù aree e può essere utilizzato per lavorare sulla evidenziazione, aree dei mezzitoni o ombreggiati. Si imposta il ...

Domain: Photography; カテゴリー: Professional photography

Срок от старых дней фотолаборатории, «инструмент «Затемнитель»» темнеет вниз областей и может использоваться для работы на голы, полутона или затененных областях. Значение экспозиции для определения ...

Domain: Photography; カテゴリー: Professional photography

A term from the old darkroom days, the "burn tool" darkens down areas and can be used to work on highlight, midtone or shadowed areas. You set the exposure value to determine the strength of the ...

Domain: Photography; カテゴリー: Professional photography

The Channel mixer is useful for remixing original colours in an image file. It is also used for making eye-catching conversions from RGB to monochrome without getting the characteristic low contrast ...

Domain: Photography; カテゴリー: Professional photography

Used for retouching small blemishes in a digital image. It works by first identifying a sample point, then copies and pastes this area onto the end of a brush.

Domain: Photography; カテゴリー: Professional photography

This filter creates a simulated cloud pattern on your entire image or a smaller selected area. It works by mixing your current foreground and background colors together in a cloud like pattern.

Domain: Photography; カテゴリー: Professional photography

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Born in North Carolina in 1983, Edward Snowden ...

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As one of the most important currencies in the ...

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These books are the perfect choice for people who ...

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I create this glossary for the purpose of warning ...

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By: anton.chausovskyy